so yeah, this one will prolly be longer, cause i actually sat down and took the time to write it, instead of just giving a quick update inbetween studying or whatever...
first off, i am really excited, because we finally have our congregation back together!!!!! that is totally awesome!!!! especially since we are starting it off with a congregational lunch!!!!! so yeah, if you didn't guess, i am super excited!!!!!!!
also, a couple nights ago, we were reading in 1 thessalonians, the last chapter, and verses 16-18...
"rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing. iin every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
and i just starting thinking about it, and not only is that really good advice, but the one thing that jumped out at me, is that from personal experience, i know that if i am always looking at the bad side of things, then a lot of times, i will completely miss something that can really help me later on down the road... a while ago, one of my friends (and i will try to keep this as anonymous as possible) did something that i really did not like, and it hurt me quite a bit... while i did not enjoy going through what i did, the experiences that i got from it, helped me a lot, especially when someone else (who will also remain nameless) did something that was almost the same, but hurt even more... and i can honestly say that if i hadn't gone through what i had, then i don't think i would have survived the second time... all this to say, you should always try to look on the bright side of things, and you should always try to see what God is trying to teach you with this experience, because if you don't learn it now, it will only get worse... :P i know one thing that is often very easy for me, especially in the really hard situations, is to just focus on the bad things, and ignore the good things... so i am asking all of you to help me focus on the good things in life, (hence the name of my blog... :P :P :P) and if you see me me really sad, remind me to focus on the good things, and try to forget about the bad ones... (like trigonometric identities and derivatives in calculus... ugh... i hate those... :P :P :P)
but other than those horrible trigonometric derivatives in calculus, school is going really well... in fact, somehow, when i laid out my schedule for my whole associates degree, i somehow calculated in a whole extra semester... so if everything goes as planned, i will still be able to graduate next spring... this will mean taking at least math over the summer, but if it means that i stay on schedule, i am willing to do it...
and now for something completely random to close this off: it is now only 3 months and 19 days until convention!!!!!
and i am really upset that chris brown and rihanna broke up... especially the way they did, and what happened... but, on the good side, hopefully, this will serve as a lesson to other people of what NOT to do... also on the good side, he did turn himself in, so at least he has that in his favor... oh well...
also, i am accepting memberships into the foundation for stopping left-handed segregation and oppression... also known as the FFSLHSO... you don't even have to be left-handed to join, you just have to want to make this world a better place, and stop all favoring of certain people because of how they were born... oh well, i will get off my soap box now...
peace, love and chicken, focus on the good things in life, life long and prosper, and whatever else you say when bidding farewell to someone... :P :P
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
cool flower pics...
so yeah, i am bored, so i am going to upload some cool pictures that i just took...

...this flower symbolizes so many things...
...but none of it ever seems real... life slowly turned black and white...
...until it left me faded, wilted and dead...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
ok, sorry for getting you guys all worked up, but mom and dad said we arn't going on the ski trip... :( :( :( :( :( so yeah, i am really bummed... oh well... pretty much all they said was that it was dangerous, and that they didn't really want to go... oh well... hopefully see y'all on sunday... if not, who knows when... also, i am trying to have a party... just want to know what days work for everyone...
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
ski trip...
so yeah, it looks like there is a fairly good chance that some of us will go on the ski trip... my mom dosen't want to go, but when i asked my dad, he seemed pretty excited about it, and i think he wants to go, so hopefully, we will be going... still working on convincing them... :P :P... oh well, i should prolly go back to math class... this update is brought to you through the very nice break that we have in our two hour long math class... :sigh:
Monday, February 2, 2009
so yeah... our engineering substitute is amazingly hard to understand, and has one of the thickest accents that i have ever heard... so that kinda stinks... yeah, and now i am kinda sad, cause as many of you might have guessed, we arn't going to be coming to church any more... why? thats really complicated... for one thing, a lot of the things that we believe, the church dosen't at all... and then my parents don't really like all of the peer interaction that has been happening, and my dad just dosen't think that we are supposed to be going to chrf anymore... so yeah, we will prolly just do like a family bible study until we find something different... so yeah, life isn't that great right now... oh well... now for some cool pics...
i walk alone...
i watch the sun rise...
i watch you grow up...
i'm just glad your happy...
...cause if your happy, i'm happy...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
yeah... so i am like happy, cause i got a 97 on my first math test, and a 90 on the first quiz... so that is pretty cool... and i think our engineering professor had a baby, so i don't know whats up with that... she canceled class on wednesday... oh well... but lifes good, i guess... mountain dew won by a landslide in the recent elections... just wondering, what did everyone vote for????
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